Friday, May 26, 2006

Getting a Job in Russia

The official unemployment figure for the U.S. right now, as I understand it, is 5.1%.The official unemployment figure for Russia right now, is 8-ish%, more in St. Petersburg and other places, and lower in Moscow.

But I don’t see what’s so difficult about getting a job in Russia; after all, I was here less than a week, and I got one!

OK, here’s the real scoop: On Thursday, when we were here in Russia, I heard from the elders and preacher at our church, Minter Lane Church of Christ, that they would like to employ me as the Minter secretary (yes, back in the States. Gotcha!). And I wrote them back and said yes. So, I have a job when I return to Abilene for 30 hours a week. The biggest downside, of course, is that it begins in the summer.

My duties will be to put out the bulletin, do the office-y things that need doing, visit with people, and coordinate communication between and among people and groups. (As Ken put it, at my last job at the Press, I was “paid to criticize people,” and now, I’ll be paid to be a “know-it-all.”) Now, being a know-it-all will be a stretch for me, but I’m up for the challenge!

Actually, I will need to learn a lot, because (and I can hear Thom laughing all the way from the U.S.), I also have to write the checks and “do the money stuff.” I was very forthright with Danny and told him that I don’t know anything about that and that I hate it, but he assures me that there’s a program that Karen (the previous
secretary was also named Karen, so that should make it easy for people calling the church!) and Bobbie can and will teach me that does most of it for you. Karen, in case you’re wondering, was wonderful to do the secretary thing for as long as she did, because she’s a surgical assistant by trade and can make better money there and further her career as well. And she’s a great lady! So, there’s my news. Stay tuned…

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