You may have heard the quotation from Erasmus, "When I have a little money, I buy books—if any is left, I buy food and clothes." While the Cukrowskis all have a weakness for buying books as well, we'd have to add that we spend whatever extra money we have on travel. We'll maneuver this or rob Peter to pay Paul or wrangle every drop of travel money we can out of our pay to travel somewhere and see and learn something. Both Ken and I were fortunate to have traveled with our families while we were young, and remember, we live in France in our hearts! We've been so blessed to be able to travel a number of places with our girls— to Yellowstone in winter or France and Italy in the summer... and now Washington, D.C. for Thanksgiving 2006.
One game we always play upon completion of a trip is the alphabet game; name something from the trip that starts with the letter A, then B, etc. Tonight, while we were waiting for our flight in D.C. to return home, we played again, and it was so easy to come up with multiple items for each letter. Take M for example: museums, the Metro, the Mall, Mt. Vernon, memorials, monuments, memories. Especially the memories.
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