Sunday, February 03, 2008


The Superbowl is not a big deal here, but it did run on the local Fox Sports channel. I, like many people, offend true American football fans by only watching a few minutes of football per year (but then again, I'm offended by the whole sport in general, but that's fodder for its own blog entry sometime), usually the last two or so minutes before the halftime show (which I didn't even watch this year), the halftime show (which I've turned off many years, most notably the horrible spectacle that was Prince), and the last two or so minutes at the end of the Superbowl (a strategy that paid off really well tonight, since halftime was great, and the outcome of the game changed the last couple of minutes). 
Tonight changed nothing for me, because (a) the commentary was in Spanish, so I understood even less than I usually understand about football, (b) the commercials weren't the high-dollar extravaganzas we're used to during the Superbowl but were mostly local commercials (again, in Spanish-- imagine the nerve!), and (c) several of us here at Casa ACU have picked up some bug or 'nuther that's keeping us close to our baños. So, I actually would have had to watch the game JUST TO SEE FOOTBALL! 

[An aside: I did, however, watch and enjoy the halftime show. Tom Petty was in great form; his guitarist dude was amazing; the show was really about the music and not about a bunch of glitz or wardrobe malfunctions. I predict there will be much said about the "disappointing halftime show," and I hope you don't listen, Mr. Petty. They're just so young, these folks. They don't know you like I do.] 

Back to futbol; as everybody knows, the REAL football worldwide is soccer, and Ken, Katie, and Krista have STRONG opinions about that subject, now that they've gone to a biggie game around here, where they fell in love with "our team," Team Nacional. They came home pumped about the whole event last Monday: "Mom, you can't believe that they searched us, yet people blew off real flares during the game; where were they hiding them?" "Mom, there were over 60,000 people there; it was so exciting, easily the loudest place I've ever been." "Mom, they sing a song where they take off their jerseys and swing them around over their heads. Seriously, it's the 'take off your jerseys and swing them around your head' song." "Mom, I have to learn how to whistle with my two fingers in my mouth; everybody here learns that; at home, only Aunt Shelly can do it." "Mom, I can't believe you sold your ticket to Mike; it was SO fun." Plus, we have positive feelings about soccer since my nephew Tyler is so good at the sport. He's one of two freshmen playing for his College Station high school team, and he's played for some really-hard-to-get-in teams and camps pretty much since he learned to walk. He's really, really good at it. So really, our favorite teams are Team Nacional and Team Tyler!


Anonymous said...

One year in Argentina, Fox Sports showed the first half of the Super Bowl, then cut away to a soccer game at halftime and never came back!

Hope you guys are well.

lecroy said...

IMHO, for the record, you missed a wonderful superbowl. The entire game was good, well played, had a freaky cant believe he didnt get sacked and that guy caught it with his head moment, and people didnt whistle the whole game, no one (likely) urinated in the stands, no one died of boredom watching it on tv. American football wins hands down over futbol.

Karen said...

Thanks, Tim and Kenny, for your faithful reading of the blog. It makes me RIDICULOUSLY happy when people (you!) comment on it! Thanks, thanks, thanks for humoring me!

I missed the catching-with-his-head moment, Kenny, but then again, I would have almost assuredly missed it had I been "watching" as well. I always miss the good stuff. I WAS watching--really!--when the Giants' last touchdown came in the last minute--and I still missed it. Saw it on replay. I'm just not attentive, I guess.

Tim, that's hilarious about the Argentina/Soccer story. Definitely my girls would approve, now that they're newly "diehard Nacional fans" (we'll see how long that lasts!).

lecroy said...

Of course neither are as much fun to watch as quidditch.

Karen said...

Amen! Even I, the non-sport girl, would like to watch Quidditch! By the way, I need to send you and Derek my friend Genie's thoughts on the last book to see your opinions. I'm having trouble with e-mail going out (I get it just fine) so it may take several days.

Gayla Herrington said...

I actually watched the football game this year and kind of enjoyed it. Eli is quiet cute and Whitney predicted he would win MVP. I have been commenting, but they have all been eaten by this mysterious computer bug. I need a new computer. That is the name of the bug. It keeps crashing at the most crucial moments, like when I am finished typing.

dlecroy said...

If I had two choices...World Cup or Superbowl tickets, I'd take World Cup. Overall though, that is just one game...I'm a pro football USA guy!

Anonymous said...

karen - how come my comments aren't showing up?

Anonymous said...

shoot - now that did - not the long one I wrote that explains (lamely) what I have been doing when I dropped off the face of the earth! I love you guys so much - we have your picture (is this the postcard from the "today I mailed a letter" blog?) and think and pray for you often. loved krista's blog as tori just went to the waco zoo - remember cameron park? karla