8:00 Mom comes in to wake up Krista and me for the day.
8:30 Go downstairs for breakfast (cereal, toast, bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, milk, orange juice, coffee, and tea).
9:00 Chapel starts (AKA: a devo done every Tuesday and Thursday by two college students who switch off weekly).
9:20 Chapel ends and everyone heads off to Spanish class.
9:30 Spanish begins. For the next hour and a half, I'm in a classroom at the church next door with all the other students, my family, and our teacher Amelia (pictured below with Dad). The teaching method Amelia uses is where she teaches something for about 5-10 minutes and then spends the next 10-20 minutes going around the room asking questions to each
11:00 Class is over for Krista, Mom, and me, but some of the kids have to stay for a class after that is taught by my dad. So when we are back at the house, Kris and I go into our parents' apartment to do homeschooling. Their apartment has 4 rooms (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a study/office), and it's in this office where we have all our textbooks and materials for homeschooling. How we've decided to do school here is different from how it is at a school because we kind of pick a subject, Chemistry, for example, and we do like an entire chapter that day, instead of doing one section today, one section tomorrow....,we do large amounts of one subject each day and that seems to work better for our schedule. So another day we might read the entire book we have to read for an English class or a chapter of biology, etc.
12:30 The other class Dad teaches is over now so it's lunchtime. Everyone heads downstairs for this meal and we go into the kitchen where there is a table that has all the food lined up on it and we make a line and you choose whatever you want. It works out really well because you eat what you like and don't what
1:30 Time to head upstairs and take a nap!!! I believe in the siesta...
4:00 Wake up and continue with more homework.
7:00-ish Dinner time! Mom will either make a meal that day or we go out to eat. Eating out is very easy here and much cheaper than in the States. To get a pizza here is a little under two dollars...about the same price as a drink! We have found a few restaurants we really like and go there often. Right by the house there is also a gelato shop that we are regular customers at. When we don't eat out, however, we have over to the apartment different college kids and have them eat with us. That's nice because then you get to know some of them bettter.
8:00 From now on we have the rest of the day to do whatever. Usually, it consists of
12:00 Bedtime!
Katie, It sounds like you have a busy life. I can't wait until you come home and have your busy life here, I miss all your antics!
Thanks, Katie. That's a very good look at what goes on there. I've known lots of people that have gone to Montevideo, and I've never had as good of a description of a typical day.
Grace and peace.
Learning Spanish from Amelia is fun. It sounds like things are going well.
I'm catching up on your blog for the first time in a while and now I'm really missing you guys! My mom told me Ken had a beard and that I HAD to see the pictures. I loved Katie's description of the school day and could hear her saying it all in my mind. When we all are back in the same state again we REALLY need to get together!!
Katrina!!!!!! It's great to hear from you! Any details about when your folks are coming to Texas, etc? Remind them to use kcukrowski@gmail.com when contacting me, please. That's the one I can always get to work these days, and it's the only one I check faithfully. Can't wait to see you sometime in May, right?
wow that's a busy day, huh? I am glad y'all are havin' a good time but we of course miss you all!!
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