Question: How do we know that 2001: A Space Odyssey is fiction?
Answer: Because a computer takes over the world.
A computer could never take over the world because it would break, JUST LIKE MY COMPUTER. Or the battery would go from charging great one day to not working at all, JUST LIKE MY COMPUTER.
Yes folks, the reason I haven't been blogging is my computer, aged only 9 months, has died the death of deaths--the hard drive caput suicide mamba of phooey-ness.
Oh Karen, you may ask, not with ALL YOUR PICTURES FROM SOUTH AMERICA ON IT?
I can't even type the answer. I hope, I hope, I hope that I can get this baby fixed enough back in Texas to eke out my photos. The good news: A few photos Krista had saved to her iPod; a few I had sent to various students; a few were posted on the blog. Those thoughts are helping me not cry my eyes out right now.
I was taking fewer pictures than before, by the way, because MY CAMERA DIED TOO. Yep.
A computer will take over the world? Ha. Hal Schmal.
Nasty! I am so sorry. The wonders of modern technology.
Carolina took 6 disposable cameras with her on her trip to Argentina. She took them to WalMart to be developed. When she went to pick them up, they were very apologetic, but... two rolls destroyed by their machine, one other with stains on the pictures. They gave her a coupon for free developing in the future. Yeah... like she's going to want to use that.
Hope it all gets fixed. If you're willing to pay, there are people who can recover just about anything.
Grace and peace,
Aw, Karen, that stinks. I hope (and pray!) that someone can work wonders and recover your pictures. I guess you and technology aren't really friends right now, but I am glad you posted to let all of us States-siders (is that even a word? if not then I guess I just invented it!) know! I was kind of getting worried since you hadn't posted in a while. Hope you enjoy the last couple of weeks in Uruguay! Can't wait to see you again!!
Much love,
Katie Ritter
I'm so sorry! That really bites!
My favorite line is . . I HATE COMPUTERS! and everyone knows why.
Sorry Karen! Terrible. That is why you should go over to MACs. They are so much better and more stable and never crash. When will you learn? I hope this teaches you finally about the evil of PCs.
PS, if all else fails, we can send your hard drive in to a data recovery solution company and get the pictures. It will be ok.
Here's something weird... Candace's computer did the same thing this week!
Thank you all for your sympathy (except my brother Kenny and his sarcastic response!). I'm feeling better today.
However, I committed a my-computer-just-died-and-I'm-sad crazy thing: I went to get a hair trim and told her "Just cut it off." And she kind of did. I now have bangs for the first time in ten or fifteen years I think, and she thinned it LOTS. Plus, of course it's shorter (although it's still past my shoulders in the back). I'm not sure I like it--but I'm stuck with it for awhile now. I'd send a photo, but of course, I can't, due to the aforementioned deceased camera and computer. And Tim, please pass along my sorrow to Carolina; I can honestly say that I feel her pain at this time.
I'm so sorry about your computer and camera. From the other comments, it maybe your pictures can be rescued. I hope and pray so. I wish we could see your new hair do. You have great hair and I bet you look really good.
I feel your pain, sister! The hard drive on my 10-month old MacBook died this week as well, taking my 20-page paper, bibliography, and research to the grave with it. Of course, there were other things that I lost as well, but right now the thought of having to recreate that paper from scratch is foremost in my mind. BAH!
I had to work on my home and work computer this last weekend. Just so you know it is all computers that are evil, not just Macs.
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