Friday, May 02, 2008


To prove to you that I really am getting old, as if the gray hair, memory loss, and wrinkles weren't evidence enough, I will now report that my perception of time is that of an older person. For example, time no longer exists in 24-hour chunks in my memory--everything either seems to have happened just yesterday or about a thousand years ago. I find myself thinking today, as my nephew Luke turns 12, that it was only at most a year ago when I was honored to be present in the room as he was born, when his daddy was alive, and when my family and I lived in Connecticut.

About a minute and a half ago (Karen time) or four months ago (real time), we were making lists, preparing to come to Uruguay. Now, as we're less than a week from returning to Abilene, you could see lists again on big Post-It notes in the apartment kitchen were you here (and I wish you were). These lists say things like "Get flowers for Mariela and Raquel," "Visit the Gaucho Museum," and "Pick up Nativity Sets for Christmas gifts" (sorry to spoil the surprise!). But what the notes are really saying is "Finish up this incredible experience and leave it behind."

And so, in my best Ken-like fashion, I will make some lists for you now.

Things I will miss about Uruguay:

*my Pomelo drink, Paso de los Toros Light; I drink at least about 2 liters of this stuff every day. I'm going cold turkey next week. Pray for me.

*recycling; you can buy stuff, especially drinks, in refillable, recyclable containers, and turn them back in for cheaper drinks. In Argentina and Brazil, recycling containers for other kinds of things, such as plastics and organic material, were as prevalent as were the regular trash receptacles. Abilene's recycling, such as it is, is entirely optional, and it's much, much easier not to recycle than to do it.

*La Cigale: great Italian-style gelato ice cream store, two blocks from here. Coco con Dulce de Leche. 'Nuff said.

*Public transportation; I love walking everywhere. I've missed my car maybe twice in four months, if that.

*The temperature now; it's Fall going into Winter here, and it's beautiful. Yesterday in Abilene, in April mind you, it was 88 degrees apparently. I hate being hot. I can't even fathom what the people who made a town in West Texas were thinking when they decided to settle there; maybe they were antisocial and thought "Oh good, now nobody will ever bother us by coming here too."

*no phones: I love that my phone isn't ringing off the hook; I have a cell phone here, but in fact I never carry it and I don't even know the number! Back home, I disconnected our home phone service last Fall, since we all carry cell phones. That's a start.

*the smell of the laundry here; our laundry smells incredible when we get it back, neatly folded and in these fun blue bags. The price went up this month, from 60 pesos a load to 70 ($3.50). Worth every penny for the smell alone.

*the courtyard: I love the students, and the environment the courtyard has fostered. For example, one of my favorite parts of every day is hearing Marissa Walker sing as she goes through her day.

*12:30 P.M. Raquel cooks a meal for us every day, and nine times out of ten, it's fabulous. Ten times out of ten, I'm grateful for it!

Things I'm looking forward to back at home

*my family and friends (well, duh...)

*good-tasting milk in cartons (it comes in stupid, floppy sacks here; if they were recyclable, I might be willing to give in on this one, but they're not)

*our cats; I really want to take a nice, long nap with Crookshanks.

*a break from people all the time; yes, the courtyard is both on my list of favorite things AND on my list of least favorite things. Such is life...

*some variety in my clothing; I only had 3 pairs of shoes (flipflops, sandals, and sneakers), one pair of jeans, two pairs of shorts and capris, one skirt, two pairs of pajamas, a jacket, and a few shirts total; I notice, however, that even typing my total wardrobe took awhile, as it's more than lots of people have, and it was in fact enough to get by on just fine. Lesson learned).

*one type of currency in my wallet; I'm so glad the Euro exists for folks in Europe now, except stuffy ol' Britain. It was a pain in the neck having to have Uruguayan and Argentinian pesos, dollars, reals, and soles available, often within minutes or hours of one another.

*black pepper; actually, I will be glad to return to flavorful food in general. Los Arcos, here we come!

*knowing the language. While we have learned LOTS of Spanish and I'm proud as punch of my kids for keeping up and/or bettering the college kids with whom we took the beginner class, we still can converse only on the kind-of-slow-two-year-old level. It's good enough to get around, but it ain't pretty.

Things people moving to Uruguay should bring with them:

*Jif Extra Crunchy peanut butter, because it's fabulous and unavailable

*notecards and maybe a 3-ring binder and paper; these are findable, but I would have preferred my own kind. I made my own notecards, and they were great for studying Spanish.

*tortilla chips, yes, even though they're bulky and they will become dust in your suitcase. The dust is better than the chips here.

*Velveeta and Rotel, fajita and/or taco seasoning

*stateside gifts for the folks you will get to know here; I brought a whole suitcase full, and we've used every one of them. I'm talking stuff like ACU sweatshirts, Texas playing cards and keychains, etc.

OK, these lists are incomplete, but they're the best I've got right now, mainly because I'm tired of writing this blog in the computer lab, now that my computer has bitten the dust. See you soon back in the U.S. of A.


lecroy said...

It seems you have found your calling. College study abroad has seen you fluorishing Botts. I mean lots. I feel you angst over coming home - only mitigated by the fact that we get you again. Sorry for the pain, glad for the pain, come home safe.

Karen said...

Time to open up Study Abroad Paris, don't you think?! I'm IN!!!

Gayla Herrington said...

We miss you too! I don't like Peanut Butter and I am from West Texas and I liked it there because it was hot. The rest of your list I agreed with though.

Joe S said...

While you're at it, do you want to put this on your list of places to see?

(Hey, when's the next time you're going to be in South America....)

Karen said...

Whoa Joe, I hadn't heard about the eruption yet. We tried to go near that place on April 19th, but all the flights had finished for the season to that area. Apparently the tourist season ends as winter approaches, so at least that's some people not down there. I hope the locals all get out soon and safely. You just never know what's going to happen and when.
P.S. When we get back, I'm going to mention OVER AND OVER how I think you would be GREAT to do Study Abroad Montevideo.

Autumn said...

Ah... Your lists almost made me cry. Makes me sad about leaving all over again. But since I have really good friends probably going the next two semesters (before I go again) I can be said when they leave too!

Piece of advice... when you get home don't go too crazy with the Mexican food... I think that was part of my problem when I got back.

I'm soooo excited to see you soon!

Give everyone my there my love!

Ahora, podemos hablar en español.

Autumn said...

OH VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you are planning on bringing alfajores, coffee, mate or food in general home... Pack it! They won't let you take even prepackaged food through security in Montevideo. They took away our alfajores! Some of the girls went back and paid to send another bag with the food and coffee in it on the way home. (Of course once you get through security your are welcome to buy more in the duty-free shop. Grrrr!)

I just wanted to be sure you guys knew that... we didn't and it was TRISTE!!!!

Autumn said...

Actually that's not quite true... I managed to sneak one box of alfajores through on accident. JAJAJAJAJAJA! But after I pulled out 2 or 3 boxes it didn't occur to them (or to me) that there might be another box in there...

OK... maybe I'll stop posting on comments now.