Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Notre Dame Cathedral

OK People that are actually keeping up with this blog. Karen sent me the pics to upload and I saved them on my computer as random names! oops! She then sent me a list of captions with the numbers of the pics, well I no longer have the number of the pics and I have never been anywhere so I basically know nothing, and I think this is Notre Dame, but if it is not just keep those comments to yourself! No you can tell me, cuz I really need to know. Luv ya all Gayla
Gqylq; I hqve q comment for you; qnd thqtùs thqnk you so much! we're bqck in Frqnce (on q frustrqting French keyboqrd obviouysly= qnd i hqve qccess to the internet for the ti,e being; qnd youùre doing q greqt job1 iù, so thqnkful thqt zeùre qble to keep up this zqy fro, so fqr qzqy becquse you tqke the ti,e to be our personql webmistress1 Qnd thqtùs not qll )) you solve proble,s qt our house; you feed our cqts qnd turtles; you solve ,y overseqs phone qnd credit cqrd proble,s; qnd zell; everything1 iù, very fortunqte to nqve q zonderful friend like you: Thqnks qnd I love you! Kqren

1 comment:

Joe St said...

C'est vraiment Notre Dame, Gayla. Tres bien!